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Below are examples of different finishes


Prunus Serotina


Black cherry is found principally throughout the eastern half of the  U. S. but grows in significant commercial quantities only in the northern Allegheny Mountains.


Cherry wood is reddish and takes a lustrous finish. It’s a
prized furniture wood and brings high prices in veneer log form. It's increasingly popular in kitchen cabinets and is often used in architectural trim, paneling, and cabinetry.


Black cherry is relatively easy to dry, requiring 10-14 days to kiln dry 1-inch lumber from green to 6 percent moisture content. It stays in place well after seasoning and is comparatively free from checking and warping. It's easily machined, can be sawed cleanly, turns well, and planes excellently with standard cutting angles. Screw-holding ability is good. Gluing also is good except when gum streaks are present. The wood has sufficient hardness to allow it to take hard use and withstand knocks without marring.



(RS Boone, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry)

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